檔案大小:114.2 MB
版本需求:OS X 10.9.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器
Mix Base - Pro Studio is a modern and user-friendly mixing tool with a variety of features.
If you’re tired of complicated and resource consuming mixers or willing to implement your musical desires right away, this applications is definitely for you.
You don’t have to spend hours studying interface or learning how to apply effects, Mix Base - Pro Studio allows you to work right from the start!
Mix Base - Pro Studio Plus features:
- Powerful multi-track mixer
- User-friendly interface
- High-quality effect library
- Huge set of pre-recorded loops
- Eye-pleasing visuals
Stop using dull and complicated programs, with Mix Base - Pro Studio your musical talent will thrive and flourish as soon as you launch it.
Mixing has never been so easy and entertaining!